Swami Ji and his wife are the parents of two sons. He is always on the go these days, leading meditations with yogic transmission for seekers all over the world and lecturing at the Mission’s various centres and ashrams, as well as to the general public through newspaper articles, TV, and radio. He is an essential role model for anybody seeking to grow as a human being and develop their awareness. As a spiritual catalyst with a perfect combination of the Eastern heart and Western mind, he is able to connect with individuals from all walks of life and backgrounds, with a specific focus on today’s young.
He is one of just a few sages who were born in our nation with idealistic rituals and left their mark on millions of people, inspiring them. He is a noble man with an extraordinary personality.
Swami Ji assists in guiding his students (followers) to the path of peace and salvation, guiding them away from transitory illusion. His name, followers, and sermon represent the most sacred love, the most lofty knowledge, where the seed of “Bhagwad Tatva” (Essence of Eternity) may be planted.